Refuelling Hoses stolen
What's going on to the wreck Thistlegrom now is unbelievable. Was not enough the ropes to damage this underwater museum..Now there is someone who's taking out parts of the wreck...everyday a new piece of history is going to be missed forever. I don't konw the reasons of this crime. And i don't know who can just imagine to get money from this war memorial. I'm very sad and worried about this. The mooring system is something we can do to prevent others damages from the ropes, but i don't really see a solution against the thieves..Many electrical cables are gone,now parts of engine of trucks in hold N.2 are desappears. Parts of generators inside hold N.1 are been stolen..Please share this pictures as much as you can guys. We have to indetify the responsibles of this shame before is late, before this beautiful museum will be only a memory..Here the link with the video footage