The SS Thistlegorm is arguably one of the greatest wrecks to dive in the world. Since its discovery it has attracted divers from all over the world. The wreck has slowly deteriorated as expected over time however with the increase in divers and boats to the wreck the deterioration has accelerated at an alarming pace.
Boats weighing over 40 tonnes now tie rope or wire mooring lines around anything they can wrap around on the wreck, with the sea conditions often being rough and strong currents this has caused significant damage to the wreck.
The Mission of our team made up of passionate divers is to educate local dive companies and instructors about the damage being caused by improper mooring on the wreck and by divers coming into contact with the wreck for numerous reasons such as poor buoyancy or posing for a photo, this should hopefully slow the deterioration caused by human impact. By slowing down its deterioration we have an ultimate goal to create fixed moorings around the wreck resulting in boats not having to moor to the wreck itself.
Brief Overview
Download our Thistlegorm Supporters poster HERE and post it to your social media wall or take a slefie and send it to us, we will add you to our Thistlegorm Supporters album
The intriguing story of the Thistlegorm, from its sinking to the discovery and the dive site today.
Pictures and more about the damage caused to the wreck by improper mooring and divers.
Information about the dive site layout and what there is to see on board and around the wreck
Find out what you can do to make a difference whether your a diver or not.

Details about our mission goals and other information about our plans to save this magnificent wreck.

The final project presented to the CDWS, South Sinai Governorate and Ministry of Tourism about the permanent mooring installation around the wreck of S.S. Thistlegorm.
The idea is to place concrete cement blocks of 5 tons each all around the wreck with calculated distance designed by Wind Marine Services experts.
All blocks will be connected together by 2 inches steel chain.
Steel wire will be attached to the chain for mooring stability calculating the up & down movements.
1- system will allow 11 boats at the same time to tie, without touching the wreck.
2- spare blocks are available for more than 11 boats
3- mooring instruction manual will be printed and distributed to dive centers and safari boats
4- blocks will numbered as for mooring , the guides will know which blocks he /she should use.
5- Names of the sponsors will be printed on flags attached to the blocks.
Project steps and approximate cost at the authorities evaluation.