Cables and Piping stolen!
Here I am again.Just came back from my holiday few days ago.. Yesterday ,my first dive on the wreck Thistlegorm after almost one month...I'm afraid everytime i have to visit the Old Lady..Afraid to find new damage, new destruction. And yesterday i saw what i didn't want to see... Another piece of this beautiful undewater museum was gone. Another piece of history was missed forever. This time I'm talking about the electrical cables of the anchor winch. A couple of month ago,after a positive discussion with the captain of the boat where was working the dive guide who tied that rope there, I removed this rope that was tied on this fragile part, . It was nice to see the captain understand my point of view and helping me to fix the problem. But for one captain or dive guide that understand this issue, more others doesn't understand.. so it's happened again. Maybe another rope tied on this fragile electrical cables it's been the cause of this damage, maybe not. The damage looks more "a perfect human job" than a rope damage, but i don't know.. What i know is only that this beautiful wreck is going down completely.. and what i feel, is only sadness.. Video link: